Uses control technology for easy machine operation and faster cycle times.
Bulk storage can hold a full day supply of anchors, allowing operators to spend less time loading anchors and more time in production.
- Enclosed cab with HVAC system
- Bristle / strip door hopper access keeps conditioned air in and heat and dust out
- Hopper holds up to 3,000 anchors
- Control technology for faster and smoother cycles for higher productivity and less wear
- Crash protection for setter arms that stops the cycle if it encounters a tie
- Equipped with "H" frame turntable that sets on the rails to turn the machine around
- Excellent accessibility to workhead components to perform routine maintenance
- Travel Speed: 25 mph
Inquire on various engine packages available
- Length: 22' [264 in.]
- Width: 8' [96 in.]
- Height: 9' 9" [118 in.]
- Weight: 15,400 lbs