
(262) 637-9681

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Rail Tie Straightener

The Racine Rail Tie Straightener is an innovative machine that allows one operator to straighten skewed ties. The Rail Tie Straightener is designed to work out of face to straighten concrete ties in full crib. The machine is equipped with reference lasers for ease of the operator to distinguish which ties need to be straightened. Joysticks are used to control and activate the cribbing tools to displace any ballast and allow the tie to move laterally. Joysticks also control the straightening tools, squaring up the tie.

This machine is fully cab enclosed with climatic air conditioning and heat controls for operator comfort. The machine can track travel up to 25 miles per hour, and is equipped with a center turntable to turn the machine around.


  • A variety of engine packages are available.
  • Travel Speed: 25 mph
  • Seating Cap: Three occupants (one operator, two passengers)
  • Cab: Enclosed Heat and Air Condition, full ergonomic seat with joystick controls


  • Length: 24' 5" [294 in.]
  • Width: 8' 5" [102 in.]
  • Height: 10' [120 in.]
  • Weight: 20,500 lbs