Clean Line Cab Design
Operator positioned within frame structure, in line with workhead, providing good visibility for tie to tie indexing alignment. Also excellent visibility for travel in either direction.
Increased Productivity
Workhead boxing feature uses stop blocks which position the workhead against each anchor, even those away from tie, for positive alignment of removal ram and anchor. Rail base reference means no need to adjust for worn rail.
Ram Depth Adjustment
Prevents damage caused by overdriving and allows for immediate anchor reinstallation without loss of holding power.
Independent Dual Function Control
Allows operator to either remove and windrow or just remove any type anchor.
Easy Turn Feature
Four point contact turntable base allows machine to easily be rotated for working on either high or low rails.
- A variety of engine packages are available
- Structural steel frame with derail skids, key hole tie downs
- Insulated axles with self aligning, double row spherical roller bearings and axle locks
- Propulsion is chain driven using axle mounted split sprockets with a travel speed of 25 mph
- 12 VDC negative ground with a 60 amp system fuse, using a SAE #4D battery
- Circuit breakers for lights and accessories
- 30 gallon hydraulic reservoir with clean out covers, guarded fluid level and temperature gauge
- 59 gallon fuel tank with 2" diameter fill neck, bottom sump and mechanical fluid level gauge
- Length: 15' 2" [183 in.]
- Width: 7' 2" [87 in.]
- Height: 8' 5" [102 in.]
- Weight: 11,500 lbs