
(262) 637-9681

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Ultra Clipper

One Machine for Two Jobs. Simultaneously applies/retracts 2 clips on one rail. Workhead arms push the preset clip into socket using steady pressure. Clips will not lose holding power due to stressful hammer blows.

Inter-changeable Workheads
The Ultra Clipper can be used with a variety of workheads (sold separately) to accommodate many types of resilient fasteners. Change out can easily be done in the field.

View the Ultra E Clipper REMOVE cycle

View the Ultra E Clipper APPLY cycle

One Machine for Two Jobs
Simultaneously applies / retracts 2 clips on one rail. Workhead arms push the preset clip into socket using steady pressure. Clips will not lose holding power due to stressful hammer blows.

Applies / retracts clips on concrete, wood or steel ties with no workhead change out. To change machine from apply to retract or retract to apply is as easy as activating one hydraulic lever. Dual controls located on either end of the machine are standard for safe and easy operation.

Ruggedly Designed
Lessens operator fatigue by using an outrigger wheel assembly for stability. Self-propelled hydraulic motor eliminates the operator from pushing the machine on an incline. Outshines the competition for production and durability, producing a long-term savings in maintenance and repair dollars.

The Ultra Clippers small size and just 850 lbs allows it to be loaded onto a maintenance cart or pick-up truck for transportation to the work site.

Ultra Clipper - Conversion KitsPhoto shows additional workhead conversion kits with steel box included. Optional conversion kits include: E-clip, Safelok clip and Fast Clip.


  • Powered by a Honda GX270, 270 cc engine with electric start
  • Integral frame / hydraulic reservoir with 8-gallon capacity
  • Two stage, hi-lo hydraulic pump with integral sequence valve
  • Able to work on 90 to 141 lbs rail
  • Hydraulic power assist travel system


  • Two wheel drive
  • Work lights for night or tunnel projects
  • Please inquire about additional options


  • Length: 4' 9' [57 in. /1.4m]
  • Width: 2' 6' [30.5 in. / .8m] (less outrigger)
  • Height: 3' 8" [46 in. / 1.2m] (to lift point)
  • Weight: 850 lbs