(262) 637-9681

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AAM Anchormatic

The AAM Anchormatic is an HVAC cab equipped, anchor applicator designed to apply rail anchors with one operator on one rail. It is one of the most economically priced anchor applicator machines that offers excellent operator visibility of the work zone, with the ability to see upcoming ties that need to be worked. It also offers excellent visibility fore and aft for track travel.

AAM Anchormatic

Uses control technology for easy machine operation and faster cycle times.

Bulk storage can hold a full day supply of anchors, allowing operators to spend less time loading anchors and more time in production.


  • Enclosed cab with HVAC system
  • Bristle / strip door hopper access keeps conditioned air in and heat and dust out
  • Hopper holds up to 3,000 anchors
  • Control technology for faster and smoother cycles for higher productivity and less wear
  • Crash protection for setter arms that stops the cycle if it encounters a tie
  • Equipped with "H" frame turntable that sets on the rails to turn the machine around
  • Excellent accessibility to workhead components to perform routine maintenance
  • Travel Speed: 25 mph

Inquire on various engine packages available


  • Length: 22' [264 in.]
  • Width: 8' [96 in.]
  • Height: 9' 9" [118 in.]
  • Weight: 15,400 lbs